Condiments are like compliments; Some are salty, some are sweet and some are just all sauce!
Up until recently I did all the large design markets around Australia with Jubly-Umph. Whilst there are some great, original, fun and interesting things at these events there are also a lot of neutral colours. To say that Jubly-Umph stood out like a sore thumb is an understatement. My wonderful friends (aka customers) would hunt me down at these events and I would meet a lot of lovely new people too which made me so happy.
Most people who weren't interested would walk past the Jubly stall and not take any notice. My products weren't for them and that's OK.
But sometimes I would get someone who felt the need to comment in a negative way and they would hide that snide comment behind a 'compliment'.
"Oh, aren't these unusual" said in a high pitched voice that suggested unusual = bad.
"These are very colourful.." suggesting bright and bold = bad
"Oh, and do you sell a lot of these?" suggesting they couldn't imagine why anyone would buy this.
A lot of my friends who dress differently, have tattoos, brightly coloured hair or just generally look different have also experienced these backhanded compliments.
"Oh, you're tattoos are interesting. Do you find it hard to get a job?"
"You'd be really pretty if you smiled more(or wore less makeup/or were thinner/etc)"
Grrr these comments make me so angry!
Some of my super sassy gal pals are ready to go with a comeback but I never had a response ready. I would smile mildly and answer politely but I always wished I had a response ready to go.
It was frustrating to never have the right response to these backhanded compliments. So I made my response the best way I know how: artistically.
I started writing down little sayings and then realised the potential for some great double entendres and pin puns (my favourite). A salt shaker that said 'salty', a mixing bowl for 'stirrers' and a whisk so you can tell people to 'beat it'...
If you have experienced backhanded compliments but dont know how to react, like me, then these pins are for you!

I have 6 designs in total and they are launching next Thursday 7th at 7am!
Have you experienced backhanded compliments before? What did you do?
1 comment
I might have said “aren’t they colourful” or “unusual” should I have come across your absolutely splendid pieces in the universe beyond the net. However I would have seriously meant it in a good way. I may not have been able to buy one then, but I certainly have now ? I lurve your work and find it makes great for gifts for quirky friends (if I can bear to part with them). And your packaging…. I feel so special and excited when it arrives in the post and I open it up to find everything wrapped beautifully and an extra special something too. Pooh to the dull and boring people in their sad colourless worlds, yay Jubly-Umph! For we introverts, a pertinent lapel pin is the perfect comeback
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