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FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

🐌I procrastinated for 3+ years🐌 But now I'm forcing myself to finish my book

by Jubly Umph 26 Jul 2020 35 Comments
Here is a sneak peek of something I have been working on for 3 or 4 years now. It is my biggest procrastination!! Its a book about bookish people and creatures doing bookish things, a picture book with a small 2 lines of text (so, not huge).
I think I have procrastinated for so long because I fear it being a failure- a flop!
pictures for my next book about books- jubly-umph
I even created a few limited edition brooches for it a few years ago that have just been sitting in my studio doing nothing.
But I have realised that I need to get it done and published and stop worrying too much about failure, because when did that ever get anyone anywhere?
cat on a book stack image from my new book
So, on that note, I am going to sell the limited edition brooches to fund-raise the printing of the book.  The two designs I have done are the Cat on a Stack and the Bookshop Snail which I will package in our old keepsake jewellery tins to make them extra special.
the bookshop snail limited edition brooch
Yes, this is an exercise to keep me accountable and finish this book!!!
There is only 100 of each brooches made and the dies to cut the design have been destroyed so there wont ever be any more.
The sale of the brooches will cover the cost of the print run and the design and layout of the book. I would then hope to have the book published before Christmas. No more excuses!!
The brooches will be available this Thursday at 12pm AEST.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
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Speaking as a Brit, I’d love both of these pins although the time difference may be a problem.I may have to decide how tired I want to be the day after releases.

28 Jul 2020 Sara Johnson

As a Brit, I’m always terrified that I’ll miss out on limited editions, as I can’t stay up late enough to get hold of them as soon as they go up. But I’m holding out hope that I’ll manage to get both the cat and the snail! 🤞🏻

28 Jul 2020 Sandra Morris

I could have written that exact same blog post! Take heart from the fact that I’ve been writing my ‘how to’ book for the past 10 years so you’re by no means the world’s worst procrastinator. I took it up again during lockdown and I’m tentatively optimistic that it will be ready to print by early October. I get what you mean about accountability and having a deadline to work towards but I tend to fail miserably on both counts. Good luck with yours and if you want an ‘accountability buddy’ drop me an email and we can procrastinate together! I have been tempted on many occasions by your wonderful badges so I just might spring for one now to support a fellow ‘would be author’ :) Keep the faith, best wishes, Sandra (I’m a miniature dollmaker!)

28 Jul 2020 Rosie

Oh my! I’m totally enamoured of the brooches and REALLY keen to see the book! Here’s hoping I get a break in my training session on Thursday so I can snarfle at least the cat, and preferably the snail too! Good luck with your venture. I hope you can propel yourself past the finish line soon xx

28 Jul 2020 Kara Sjoblom-Bay

Both the book and the brooches look amazing!

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