UPDATE: I wrote this piece last year in response to the Women's march on Washington. To celebrate the anniversary (Sunday the 21st of January, 2018) and follow up marches being held we donated $5 from the sale of any Nasty Woman item in the shop on that day to charity One Girl. #staynasty
A few weeks ago my FB feed was flooded with images of people preparing to march for women around the world. They made placards and knitted pink pussy hats. They traveled across the city, across the country and across the world.
Two of my friends travelled half way around the world, from Australia to Washington DC to attend the main Women's March.
I sorely wanted to be there.
Sitting at home, far away from all these people and places I saw all these images of inspirational women and I wanted to be a part of the movement. So, I grabbed my pencils and my paints and I sat down to draw my Nasty Woman.
During the presidential campaign of 2016 (whew! what a year) The then presidential candidate Donald Trump interrupted Hilary Clinton mid speech to call her ‘such a Nasty Woman’. The internet immediately exploded with memes, comments and rallying cries. Janet Jackson's song ‘Nasty’ was played on repeat and hashtags like #nastywomanvoter started trending around the world...
The march on Washington and in other big cities was not about trump however. It was about women. It was about women's rights! It was about women having control over their own bodies and their own futures.
Clever crafters started knitting pink beanies known as 'pussy hats' to be worn at the march and these quickly became one of the defining symbols of the movement.
I drew up my Nasty Woman quite quickly, the sketch took me about 20 minutes and the line-work another 20. She is bold, she is pink (I love pink), she is wearing her pussyhat and she has a big feminist tattoo!
I am a Nasty Woman!
I am proud to admit this. I say things that upset people and make them uncomfortable. I stand up for women's rights. I want a world full of diversity. I want change!
To celebrate International Women's Day I have made my Nasty Woman painting into a tshirt, a print and a limited edition brooch.
The tshirts are available up to a women's 5XL (unisex size 3XL). Wear them with pride and tell the world that you are not afraid to speak your mind!
The prints are super cool to stick up in your home or office to remind you to be a Nasty Woman every day!
And I have made some special limited edition brooches of my Nasty Woman. They have been made in an edition of 200.
My friends Connie and Kyla from portal 108 travelled to the Womens march in Washington last year and wrote this guest blog post on their experience. Read it here
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