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FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

FREE Sticker Pack with all orders $65AU+ | Today Only!

New Socks - Another Way To Wear Your Weird!

by Jubly Umph 30 Aug 2021 41 Comments

I love running my own business, and one of the best things about it is that I get to choose exactly what I create. I can lean into what excites and inspires me.

It also means that when I fancy trying something new… I do it.

I love creating my pins but sometimes having new challenges is what is needed, and I wanted a challenge.


designing new products like socks

So, I thought about what I could do that would allow me to share my designs in new and fun ways, and eventually I landed on socks: There's heaps more space for designs AND, it's a whole new medium (hello knitted fabrics and massive learning curves).

At the beginning of last year, I started experimenting a little. Those of you who nabbed one of my Mystery Boxes will already know that socks were something I was playing around with.

Socks also presented a solution to one thing I kept hearing: How people love my pins but can’t wear them at work! Socks are great, because no one knows what you wear under your shoes. I LOVED the idea of giving everybody another way to 'wear their weird!'


tea and books socks

There were lots of things to test and trial, including learning which designs worked best and which designs didn’t look quite right. But finally, here we are, ready to launch!

There are 8 designs total which are perfect for wearing subtly under a suit or uniform, to share your mood whilst working from home/home schooling or loud and proud with some statement sandals. 



i'm a fucking delight socks by jubly-umph

I hope you love my new sock collection as much as I do. 

Our new socks launch at 12 pm on Thursday 2nd September (AEST). 

Which design is your favourite? Tell us in the comments below!

Stay safe, and look after yourselves and each other.

Lots of Love, Tasha and the Jubly Crew. XX

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30 Aug 2021 Kay lauchland

Love the purple socks “I’m a Fucking Delight”!

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