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Check Out Our New Lucky Dip Box!

by Jeremy Meaden 21 Mar 2022 0 Comments

Over the years, we've designed and produced hundreds and hundreds of special, limited edition, one-off designs of lapel pins, patches and earrings.

We've also produced dozens of limited, one-off designs on other products, including mugs, pillow cases, scarves, tea towels... the list goes on and on.

Mostly, these designs sell out pretty quickly, and we dust off our hands and move on to the next thing. But sometimes, just sometimes, the last couple of a design won't get packaged off and sent, and somehow they always seem to manage to sneak away into a corner somewhere and get forgotten about...



Well, while Branden was cleaning out the corners of the office, he found a great big box of forgotten stock!

We decided straightaway that these leftover Jubly classics are far too be good to be sitting, mouldering away in the dark recesses of the studio: They deserve to be worn and cherished.

So, we've decided to move some of it on by introducing a new product: Our Limited Edition 'Lucky Dip Box'!



We've put together a very limited number of boxes (around 120), each containing over $100.00 worth of glorious goodies: Some are old designs, some are current designs, all are fantastic!

Each box will contain 5 or 6 assorted products (depending on the size and value). All of the boxes are packed and sealed up, ready to go out the door!



They will go online at 12:00 Midday AEST (Daylight Savings Time) on Thursday the 24th of March.

They're strictly limited, so get in quick!

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