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New Years Eve plans for Introverts.

by Jubly Umph 30 Dec 2019 2 Comments

Ah, New Years Eve.

According to every Hollywood movie I’ve ever seen, New Years Eve is when you’re most likely to meet ‘The One’, experience a life-defining event, or finally gain some long-overdue clarity. Possibly all three in one night!  

Realistically, most New Years Eves are pretty disappointing. Usually, you spend most of the night looking for your friends or standing in queues - then wake the next day with a killer hangover and significantly less cash.

So I’ve come up with five better ideas for what to do on NYE.



  1. Stay home alone.

Spend New Year’s Eve doing what you love - Staying home alone. 

Chuck on your pajamas, order your favourite Thai take away and settle in for a night at home doing what makes you happy - like tackling that Christmas jigsaw puzzle. 

While everyone else will be off pushing through large crowds to see some mediocre fireworks, you’ll be at home drinking cups of tea and enjoying your solitude. 

Rating: 10/10



  1. Boardgame party.

Sure, you’re an introvert, but that doesn’t mean you need to spend the night alone. Invite some of your friends around for a board game night. If you want to be super fancy, you could even call it a board game tournament. 

The best thing about board games is there’s a natural limit on the size. So it’s the perfect reason to keep your gathering a nice small non-anxiety inducing size.


Rating: 9/10



  1. Go to the cinema 

If you really must leave the house on NYE, there is really only one place for introverts to go - the cinema!

While everyone else is standing in line at bars and clubs, you’ve got the pick of the best seats in the cinema. Also, it’s dark,  you don’t have to make awkward small talk with anyone and if you try, most people will (rightly) tell you to be quiet.

Plus choc-tops and air conditioning. I rest my case.

Rating: 9/10



  1. Binge-watch your favourite movies.

 I don’t know about you, but I struggle to find the time to re-watch my favourite movies. That’s why setting aside the whole of NYE to binge-watch, is the perfect way to spend the day. After all, you already know you like them, plus you can stock up on all your favourite treats guilt free (those resolutions don’t kick in till tomorrow).

Plus it’s an activity that works equally well alone or with a few friends too.

Rating: 8/10 



  1. Read a good book 

There’s nothing better than the smell of a new unread book, or even an old favourite about to be re-read.

NYE is just the same as the other 364 days of the year, so why not spend it doing what you always do - Immersing yourself in poetic prose.

No cleaning up. No unnecessary stress.

Just you with the best company you’ve ever met.

Rating: 10/10 

What are your New Years’ Eve plans?

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02 Jan 2020 Sasha

I love these ideas! And I love your comment, Jennie : ) The idea of greeting the New Year morning rather than staying up to see the old one out – love it

31 Dec 2019 Jennie Garland

Yup agreed, stay home drink tea, watch something, read something, create something…go to bed early and get up early next morning before sunrise don some shoes and walk to nearest hilltop or vantage point to look east, then watch the first sunrise of the New Year! Best way of saying hello to the New Year!

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