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Sneak Peek - New Bad Words Pin Collection

by Jubly Umph 19 Apr 2021 26 Comments

I like to swear. Quite a bit actually. And sometimes I even tend to get sweary in some of my emails to you guys. And then, sometimes, those emails would get blocked, and the reason given would be because of 'bad words', and it gave me an idea to create an entire collection of bad words, because who doesn’t love being sweary?

Sometimes there is no other word that accurately, truly, describe how you feel.



 Like the fact that society has taught women to never, ever be rude. To be polite. It’s this conditioning that then makes women vulnerable to harm.

I can’t tell you the number of times in my teens or early twenties that I felt uncomfortable because of someone’s behaviour, but also feared being rude to them. I was always polite to men, despite my unease, only to then be followed, or harassed by them.

Now I say: Fuck that. Fuck Politeness.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for being kind and helpful to people. But I’m just no longer willing to put up with unacceptable behaviour. And neither should you.

People that treat you badly, don’t deserve your patience.

Which has become my life motto -  Do no harm, take no shit.

Now, I’m not saying that we should all just look after ourselves. Looking after only ourselves has gotten us into all sorts of mess! Just look at the news. Or the environment. Or talk to a scientist.

Looking after ourselves, with very little regard for each other, or the planet has not worked.

It feels like right now, in many ways, things have culminated in a seriously big mess.

Racism, sexism, climate change, poverty... Every time I turned on the news it’s just one depressing thing after another. I’m tired of finger-pointing and blame.

We need action and we need it now: Let’s un-fuck the world.



So sometimes bad words are good. Sometimes bad words show the passion and anger behind them, and we can channel that into doing better, and being better, by looking after ourselves and each other. 

My new collection will launch at 12 pm on Thursday 22nd April (AEST). 

Which design is your favourite? Tell us in the comments below!

Stay safe, and look after yourselves and each other.

Lots of Love, Tasha and the Jubly Crew. XX

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22 Apr 2021 Leonie Ann

Do no harm butt take no shit.
I’m a fuckin delight. Sold!!!!

21 Apr 2021 Nancy Sorrell

I love them all … but my favorite is … do no harm but take no shit … as well as … let’s unfuck the world … great pins … well done 🌸♥️

21 Apr 2021 Rebecca

Damn, girl! These are SO great! I was raised not to swear (my younger sisters recoiled in horror the first time they heard me say “damn”; they of the large 4-letter word vocabulary), but it seems the older I get the more it becomes necessary…. Good thing Jubly Umph is there to swoop in with just the right accessories!

21 Apr 2021 Colin

I need Do no harm, take no shit. on a tshirt

21 Apr 2021 Suzanne

I would love these as earrings!! I wear the Fuck Off earrings a lot as I have PTSD and it can men away. But when women see them they absolutely LOVE them. Also have the No Fucks Left earrings and the Fuck Fuckity Fuck Fuck ones! Absolutely adore them!

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